Next on the Docket

This site is currently at a stage where it’s rapidly being worked on. While I eventually aim for this to be a resource that sits there, and is only updated in small chunks when I have new thoughts and curiosities, there are things that need to be added right now, particularly in the colophon, as well as some other meta-pages that will comprise the bones of this space.

With that out of the way, I want to work on:

  • Finishing the colophon section
    • Create a master site-design page1
      • Fold the napkin page into the site design page and add a redirect
      • Look at and create some HTML components I can use to add more variety into the posts (for example, these simple HTML/CSS notice boxes). Implement them as include (can use variables to pass data in).
    • Fold the pages in site-metadata into one bigger page1
      • Modify the sidebar to just link to the metadata page
    • Creating documentation for the site, on the site 2
      • A master page about the stack
      • A more in-depth page about jekyll
      • A step-by-step for creating a new note
      • A sitemap describing what directories house what
      • A list of rules for site organization (potentially implement a folder depth limit to encourage consolidation)
      • Maybe a page with kramdown resources and all of what’s possible to do in this markdown envionment
  • Create a “snippets” section for entries on various neologisms
  • Create a “stacks” section with my preferred setups for computer, note-taking, sites, etc.

  1. When making these bigger pages, make sure they have a table of contents.  2

  2. Part of a broader goal I want to look at where every site I have up (and I mean all of them) have documentation, and more importantly are self-documented. An ordinary reader should be able to find a link somewhere on the site that takes them to a page that gives them every single piece of information required to get that site built from my source code. 



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